Today is your day! You're all set for a massage; however, it's your first visit, and you're not sure what you can expect. What should you wear? Are you required to speak? How can you prepare? What are the best things to be expecting? To ensure you have the best and most comfortable experience, we'll be answering all of your concerns. The way it will be:
Get Personal! The massage professional will ask you questions to find any painful points or specific areas of interest. During the massage, they will pay attention to those particular regions.
The importance of comfort is in the details. Make sure you wear comfortable clothes to get your massage. Prior to the massage, you will be required to dress according to your degree of comfort. Lay on your stomach and lie down beneath the sheets. You'll remain covered for the duration of the massage, with the exception of the areas being massaged.
You Get What You Ask For. Your massage therapist will keep an eye on the pressure throughout your massage; however, don't hesitate to be vocal. Tell your massage therapist that you're uneasy at any point throughout your treatment.
Breathe In. Breathe Out. Make sure you breathe properly during your massage. It not only enhances the massage experience but also aids you to ease into a state of peace.
Time Flies When You're Relaxing. After the massage, the massage professional will share the conclusions they made from the experience. They will suggest the frequency you should receive an appointment for a massage, what longer-term benefits you can anticipate as well as any self-care you can expect between sessions.
Soreness is Common. It's normal to feel a bit stiff after the massage. The muscles you experience after the massage can be similar to having a hard exercise.
Disclaimer - This is a referral site. All work is performed by licensed partner company.