You don't know what to do after a massage? No matter if you frequent a spa or just started a home therapy program, you may not know the essential tips after a massage.
Here are some things that you shouldn't do following a massage and what you should do instead. These are important to remember in order to get the most out of your massage.
What happens if you don't drink water after your massage? A massage can make you feel dehydrated. This causes your blood circulation and lymphatic system to slow down. In particular, the lymphatic system is not capable of clearing out toxins from your body. This defeats the purpose of a detoxifying massage.
Instead, drink a full glass of water.
This tea, coffee, or alcohol should not be substituted for any other beverages. These drinks are diuretics. They make you urinate more and cause your body to lose more water.
Many customers admit that they take a shower after a massage session is over, mostly to remove any oil. This is a huge mistake. The truth is that massage does not heat up essential oils, and they need to be absorbed into skin cells for another hour.
Instead, wait for at least an hour before you go to the shower. Before you take a warm shower, let the oils soak into your skin.
After a relaxing massage, it's tempting to take a hot bath. Another bad idea. Hot water can only worsen muscle injuries. Cold water is best for pain relief.
Instead, shower with warm water.
Warm water is the perfect temperature to soothe your muscles without causing any discomfort. Use ice packs or cold water if you need pain relief.
Massages can make you hungry. The increased blood flow stimulates your body's systems to go into a high-performance mode, including your digestive system. However, heavy meals will make you feel tired, bloated, and lethargic instead of being energized.
Instead, eat a light snack.
Light, healthy snacks will give you energy and not take too much of your stomach. You can save the heavy meals for later in the morning.
A relaxing, long massage can aid in relaxing your mind and body. It is better to let the massage continue in this condition than to wake them up. You can also injure your muscles by engaging in strenuous activities, such as going to the gym.
Instead, do some light activity.
You can prolong the feeling of calmness after a massage. You can relax by reading a book, watching Netflix, or just chilling out. Book a massage when you are sure you will be home for at least 4-6 hours.
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